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Oh Allah, make the coming of death easy for us, allow our graves to be spacious, allow the coming of Munkar and Nakir easy for us. Allow us to have the answers to their questions and allow them to accept our responses. Lighten the questioning for us. Let our last words in this world be the shahadah.
Oh Allah, we ask You for pardon and wellbeing and lasting wellbeing in our religion, and our lives in this world and the hereafter. O Allah, we seek protection with you from the accursed devil who harms us in our religion and our lives. Or that he deters us from doing any actions which You have commanded us to do. Or that he urges us to do any actions which You have forbidden us from doing.
Oh Allah, our parents have raised us by facing pain throughout our life. No matter how much we serve them, we will never be able to give back what they have done for us. The comfortable life that we have got today is due to their sacrifices. We pray that our parents get heaven. Oh Allah save our parents from hell and grant them heaven.
Oh Allah, Forgive the Muslim Ummah, the living and the dead. Bless the Muslims all around the world, ease their suffering. Grant victory to the oppressed, grant them a life with no war and hostility. Fill their hearts with Eman, reunite them with their families and punish and humiliate the oppressors in this dunya and make them taste your wrath in the akhirah.